About Preview Features on Bloxay.com

Preview Features are public experimental features that some Users can access, however are not intended for the average User. By releasing Preview Features to the public, Bloxay.com developers can easily understand features that work well and features that don't.

How to find and access Preview Features

Finding Preview Features can be easy, however please note that not all Preview features are under the main https://www.bloxay.com domain, and may be under different subdomains and domains.

Report bugs and issues to Bloxay.com designers

IMPORTANT: Please only report bugs and issues if the banner at the top of the page does NOT say that Bloxay.com developers are aware of bugs and issues.

Thank you for your interest in helping Bloxay.com, we appreciate it heaps! You can easily report a minor bug or issue via the Discord server, or for a major bug or issue send a Message Request to @bloxay on Discord.