Bloxay's Discord Community Rules
Bloxay's Community Discord server has always been a place meant for everyone. To ensure this, we have a set of community rules that all members are required to follow. By your presence in our server, you agree to these rules and take accountability if you are found violating them.
Bloxay's Server is 13+ only.
By law, you must be 13 years of age or older to join Bloxay's Server.
- Other rules to follow
This community follows Discord's Community Guidelines: Read here.
This community follows Roblox's Community Standards when applicable: Read here.
- Have Common Sense
Think before you act. Before you say something, post something or DM someone from our server, ask yourself some basic questions: "Would my mother be okay with seeing this?" "Would my principal/boss be okay seeing with this?" "Would I be okay with seeing this?"
Be respectful. In this community, respect each other and be civil. Disagreements happen, but continuously attacking, harassing or verbally abusing other members.
Do not verbally attack protected classifications. Do not be disrespectful towards someone or a group because of their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, illness, or any disabilities.
Do not post, participate or act in any sexual activity in this community. This server is completely not safe for work (NSFW) free, and that content and actions don't belong here.
See something, say something. If you see a community member violating our rules, report their actions to a staff member, no matter the circumstances.
Do not send or threaten to send any private information about a member without consent. Do not directly or indirectly share, or threaten to share someone's personally identifiable information (also known as doxxing). This includes but is not limited to: A users IP address, a users home, school or work address, a users picture of their face, a users first name, middle name, and/or last name.
Do not share explicit harmful content. This includes content of suicide or self-harm, gore, depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm, especially with the intent to harass or shock users.
Do not manipulate or attempt to manipulate a member, or group directly or indirectly. Do not attempt to emotionally manipulate members by guilt-tripping, bullying, gaslighting, exploiting insecurities, threatening, humiliating, blackmailing, lying, or alienating them.
Do not organise, promote, or engage in any illegal or dangerous behaviour.
Do not share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights.
Your account is not allowed to be closely linked with a banned user or banned group.
- Be Honest
We all make mistakes. Own up to when you've made a mistake. It saves time for our staff, shows maturity, and could loosen the penalty.
Do not spread misinformation about real-life events. Don't share misleading or false content. This includes but is not limited to: Content from untrusted, unofficial sources, wrongful content about the Ukraine and Russia war, wrongful content about COVID-19 Coronavirus, false politics, or content that will generally endanger our community.
Do not spread misinformation about a person, or a group of people. Do not share or spread misleading information (otherwise known as slander) about a person, or a group of people for any reason. Satire and obvious jokes are allowed.
Do not attempt to phish, scam, or hack into a users account. This includes but is not limited to: Phishing members, scamming, or attempting to scam users, sending malware, DDOSing, or sending IP grabbing, password grabbing or account grabbing links.
Do not distribute, share, or promote Roblox or Discord hacking or exploiting.
- Communicate Cool and Calm
Do not spam or attempt to spam members or channels. Do not flood, or spam member Direct Messages (DMs) or server channels (including both text and voice). Our team usually considers five plus disruptive messages in a row as spam, but each case varies.
Do not attempt to bypass staff or Boterator actions. This might include joining our community on alternate accounts from the same person, attempting to bypass content moderation and filtration, attempting to bypass actions and punishments by staff and Boterators.
Use our channels correctly. Don't start a long thread in our bot commands channel, don't post bot commands in any other channel than the designated channel, do not steal art and post it as yours, or make a violating message. Do not advertise in channels other than the designated advertisement channels.
Do not swear or cuss at, or out a member. Directly swearing or cussing at, or out another member is not allowed.
Do not ask for special or unique roles, or ranks. Our team is unable to give any members special or unique roles or ranks. Don't ask, or request for them. For information about USER SPECIFIC ROLE RESETS, click here.
Don't be a mini-mod. Do not interfere or attempt to prevent a member violating our rules. Notify staff immediately, and metaphorically sit back. Let staff do their job, and be patient.
Do not abuse, or attempt to abuse our bots. Our bots are here to help! Don't abuse them. Do not misuse bot commands, or misuse them if there is an issue with them.
Refences to dating between members without consent is prohibited. Do not "ship" members, or "X" them without special consent given.
Discussion of banned users is not permitted.
Do not unnecessarily notify/ping/alert roles, groups or members without permission.
Report any server issues to staff immediately.
Do not troll in channels, including text and voice (this includes using a voice changer or text-to-speech).
When participating in Discord Activities, events, screen sharing and other collaborative actions in a voice channel, be kind.
Do not ping/mention directly a user with a Community Verified role.
Staff have the final say, respect them no matter the outcome of an event.
Bloxay, the owner, reserves the direct right to punish or further penalise a member at any time, for any reason, even if its not listed in the community guidelines.
Last updated: 10/07/2024 - Removes rule that prohibited copying any part of the server.