Punishment Reasons
These are all our public Discord punishment reasons. Some other reasons may be private.
Do not break our community rules.
Members are requested to be polite and respectful to everyone.
This server does not accept any disrespect towards someone or a group because of their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, pronouns, sexual orientation, age, illness, or any disabilities.
You are not allowed to share explicit content in any way. Do not share explicit, harmful content, including content of suicide or self-harm, gore, depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm, especially with the intent to harass or shock users.
Do not manipulate or attempt to manipulate a member, or group directly or indirectly. Do not attempt to emotionally manipulate members by guilt-tripping, bullying, gaslighting, exploiting insecurities, threatening, humiliating, blackmailing, lying, or alienating them.
Do not organise, promote, or engage in any illegal or dangerous behaviour in this community.
Accounts linked with a banned user or banned group are not allowed in this server.
You must be 13 years old or older to be in this server in order to abide by Discord's official rules.