What happens when Bloxay.com has an active incident
This page contains information on what can and what will happen when Bloxay.com has an active incident. These incidents can involve the site having issues, or going down.
If Bloxay.com has an active incident, issue, outage, or maintenance, the following might happen:
Pages may be slow to load, or may not load at all.
Features may be slow to load, or may be unavailable.
Some URLs may redirect to other temporary URLs.
Some sites may be unavailable or may redirect to a maintenance site.
Access to Bloxay.com could be limited or blocked.
What is the difference between an incident, issue, outage, and maintenance?
An incident is any problem with Bloxay.com. It can either be an issue, an outage, a maintenance, or a combination of them.
An issue is something not working with Bloxay.com, such as a page or feature containing a bug or broken element.
An outage is when the site is unintentionally "down" or "out", meaning that some users can't access the site, experience unintentional error codes, or the site goes offline.
A maintenance is when the site is intentionally "down" or "out", meaning the developers deliberately bring Bloxay.com offline either to implement a new feature, or fix a broken one. Maintenances happen rarely, but can be scheduled or unscheduled.
Whilst outages and maintenances are rarer than common feature issues, they can still happen. During an outage or maintenance, Bloxay.com developers are working as quickly as they can to resolve the incident, and ensure the site becomes operational again.