update logs

This page contains the latest updates to and It has in-depth logs of updates to these subdomains, excluding any security updates.

For update logs about other domains, see here.

Community Site Update 4 - Expanding the Bloxay Community site homepage and introducing new join feature

24 June 2023

New features

Other improvements

Community Site Update 3 - Enhancing Profiles by introducing better Profile Discovery, Profile Pronouns, fixes, and improvements

2 June 2023

New features

For Standard, Beta, and Information Profiles.

All Profiles are now given pronouns that corresspond with the identity of the Profile Owner. Currently, Profile Owners may only have one of the following sets of pronouns per Profile: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, and no other pronouns are accepted. To change your Profile Pronouns, contact a Website Editor. We'll be releasing advanced docs for Profiles soon.

For Profile Discovery

Enhanced discoverability has arrived for Profiles! Sort between different Sort Tags and find Profiles faster than ever before. This feature will get better and better over time, and the Popular Profiles tag is currently randomised but will update when enough analytics are in.

For Profile Discovery

The URL path for the Discover Profiles page has been updated to simply /profiles making it easier than ever to find your favourite Profiles!

For the Staff page

A new Website Editor Team section on the Staff page has been added to properly give credit to the team of people operating

We've added new advanced analytics to better improve the Bloxay Community site. These changes better allow us to bring you awesome new features such as the Popular Profiles Profile Discovery sort tag. Our Privacy Policy will soon be updated to better reflect these changes.

Other fixes and improvements

Community Site Update 2 - Introducing Profiles!

31 May 2023

Community Site Update 1 - Site refresh

Update Logs weren't fully publicly announced before this. We're sorry, we can't provide any further update information past this point.