About Bloxay.com Profiles
The terms "Bloxay.com Profiles" and "Site Profiles" mean Profiles.
This page contains useful information about Profiles, a feature on www.bloxay.com, as well as frequently asked questions about Profiles. Profiles are currently in Beta, and as such, information on this page may be inaccurate. Please refer to the tag at the top of the page providing information on whether or not this page is complete.
About Profiles
In Bloxay's Community, multiple people contribute to enhance everyones experience with new innovative ideas or special personality traits. It's important to have a place that these people can direct others to in order to provide useful information, and with Profiles, people can do exactly that. Without needing mainstream social media platforms which often require you to compete with others and fight impersonation, Profiles on Bloxay.com simply allow people to learn about someone, know their connections, and meet their friends.
Frequently asked questions
How can I find and access a Profile?
Currently there are four ways to find and access someones Profile. These are subject to change, and may be different or incorrect when you are reading this. Please refer to the tag at the top of the page providing information on whether or not this page is complete.
- Use the "Discover Profiles" page
See a list of all Profiles on Bloxay.com.
Press on the icon of the Profile you want to go to.