About Constitutional Growth Delay
This page contains information about Bloxay and Constitutional Growth Delay.
About Constitutional Growth Delay
Constitutional Growth Delay (CGD) is seen in approximately 15% of children, and can appear at different stages of their development.¹ Constitutional Growth Delay in growth and puberty is a condition in which children experience delayed puberty compared to their peers of similar age associated with a delay in the pubertal growth spurt ('late bloomers'). These children have a short stature and delayed bone age², as well has delayed puberty, resulting in a higher-pitched voice compared to others of the same age.
Constitutional Growth Delay relating to Bloxay
Bloxay has Constitutional Growth Delay, and as such, his voice is affected. This is apparent in his videos and live streams. Because of this, some viewers may be falsely misled that Bloxay is much younger than he actually is. You can view Bloxay's age and other information about him here.
National Library of Medicine - National Center for Biotechnology Information. Daniela Aguilar; Gabriel Castano. June 27 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539780/
Massachusetts General Hospital. December 13 2019. https://www.massgeneral.org/children/growth-disorders/constitutional-delay-in-growth-and-puberty