Update Logs

This page contains the latest updates to, the help site for anything related to Bloxay. It has logs of updates to, excluding any security updates.

For update logs about other domains, see here.

Please note that no new answer pages are displayed here - only site-wide changes.

Latest Update: May 13, 2024 Update

Bloxay Answers has received an update which improves it's overall design.

Thank you for your continued use of Bloxay Answers.

July 2, 2023 Update

Screenshot of the Expanded 'Most Useful Topics' section on homepage feature below:

First Update

Less than a month ago, we announced Bloxay Answers, the new home to find answers for your Bloxay-related questions. Today, we're announcing a redesigned and improved homepage for Bloxay Answers to make the mission of finding answers quickly and easily even better.

Check it out below or at

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